Deutche bank application annoting

Take a look at the extensive benefits we offer on our benefits page

Show content of What kind of working culture do you have?

A friendly one. We’re open, approachable and all embracing. We make time to support each other. Asking questions is actively encouraged, and everyone’s happy to make time to answer them. For us, you’re an individual, not a member of the ranks

Show content of I’m interested in working in another country. Will I need to know the local language?

This varies. In some countries, your colleagues and clients will prefer you to speak the local language and have an understanding of the culture


Show content of What’s the most effective way for me to follow up after the interview?

Before you leave, ask your interviewer what the next step is and when you can expect a response. It's a good idea to get contact details and ask if you can call or email. If you haven't heard anything within the stated timeframe, make a follow-up call or send us an email.

Show content of How should I prepare for the interview?

You've secured the interview, reviewed the website and talked to people who already work at Deutsche Bank. So how do you ensure a successful interview? The same way you'd go about doing the job once you're there: with careful preparation, research and attention to detail. The first step in any successful job search is research. Not only do you need to know about the position and division you'll be interviewing for, you also need to know about who we are as a company. You should find out something about our characteristics, some of our history and what differentiates us from the other institutions in our industry. Why? Because, you need to convince your interviewer that you’re the right person for us and for that particular role. It’s as important for you to feel comfortable with us as it is for us to feel comfortable with you. If you haven't done so already, read and understand our annual report. You won't be expected to know all the details, but you should have a general understanding of how we performed last year. Also review what the press has to say about us and keep up to date by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Show content of What should I expect at the interview?

Be prepared to tell us why you’re right for Deutsche Bank and why Deutsche Bank is right for you. If you’re serious about a career in investment banking, we know that you’ll be talking to a lot of firms. But you should understand how we differ from other financial institutions, and why the division you’re applying to is more suitable for you than another role in the industry. We’ll expect you to demonstrate an understanding of the role you’re applying to and the work you’ll be doing. We’d also like you to tell us why you want to work in the financial services industry as opposed to any other sector.