Long delay while recording in pro tools

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Pro Tools Lag when pressing play 6th August 2009 Registered User
Joined: Aug 2009
Pro Tools Lag when pressing play

Hey everybody.. I'm using Pro Tools M-Powered 7.4 on Vista Home Premium 64bit SP1. M-Audio Ozone interface.

It's been working PERFECT up until a couple weeks ago when, all of the sudden in the middle of a session, it started to lag when i would press play.
Used to be, I would record-enable the track, press record, press play, and BAM instant gratification. but like i said, in the middle of a session one day, it just decided to start "waiting" for about anywhere between 4-8 seconds after i pressed play to actually start playing/recording..
Pre and Post-roll are off.. I've adjusted my buffer, I've reduced total record time to 10 min.. Re installed my interface drivers. I know its not the pre-roll because there is no click track playing until it actually starts.. The buffers never posed a problem before, nor did the total record time. I can't figure it out!

Possibly a CPU problem? it's been taking a lil longer than normal to start up. about 3-5 minutes.. which an entire other problem i'm tryin to figure out.. Had a problem with my dvd combo drive detecting blank disks, but got that fixed..
The computer seemed to start acting up immediately after Pro Tools started laggin.

I've read through a ton of forums and searches and tried everything i've found with no luck..
Any recommendations? if not a Pro Tools problem, can anyone shoot me in the right direction for tech help to fix my start up problem?