60 Best Performance Review Phrase Examples

Effective performance review phrases from managers are critical to employee growth and development. This in-depth list of example phrases works as a starting point for any manager desiring to improve upon performance review communication, while also leaving room to include their own unique style.

Performance review phrase examples

Managers and employees alike rarely get excited about performance reviews . Sometimes managers lack the confidence to effectively share helpful feedback. In some cases, employees are unsure if they have met leadership expectations. In both cases, clear communication is essential.

Effective communication in performance management is critical to employee growth and development. The health of the organization is largely dependent on each team member fully grasping what is expected of them, and that begins with the manager/employee relationship. While the performance review is not the only determinant of this relationship, it is a defining discussion that gives insight into the level of trust, communication, and respect between the manager and employee. A healthy dose of positive and constructive feedback is needed so the employee knows their value and what action steps to take.

But, effective communication does not come naturally to most. That is why we have compiled a list of performance review phrase examples to help ensure appraisal conversations are pleasant and produce results.

Performance Review Phrases for Employees

It’s a fine balance between honestly sharing performance contributions and sounding arrogant. Reviews can feel awkward because employees generally want to avoid ‘tooting their own horn’ when completing self-evaluations. On the other end, no employee enjoys admitting to their manager the areas in which they struggle. To help combat the self-evaluation challenge, we have listed an easy process below for employees to follow:

Following this process reduces emotion and opinion and focuses on concrete results/actions. It also gives managers insight into the employee’s perspective, allowing the manager to provide more intentional feedback. Here are a few general examples of employee comments: