
DOL Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Logo

DOL Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM) [DOL]

Funding Agency

Kittrell <a href=Job Corps Center Logo" />

Kittrell Job Corps Center [DOL - JC]

Place of Performance Kittrell, NC 27544 United States Cost Plus Incentive Fee Extent Competed Full And Open Competition Related Opportunity Analysis Notes

Recompete The following similar solicitation(s) may continue aspects of this contract: KITTRELL JOB CORPS CENTER W/ OA CTS
Subcontracting Plan This Definitive Contract has an Individual Subcontract Plan. The Department of Labor has an overall small business subcontracting goal of 60%
Unrealized Backlog This Definitive Contract is complete with $2,722,464 of funded backlog and $2,722,464 of unfunded backlog unused, which is typically due to unexercised options.

Adams And Associates was awarded Definitive Contract 1630J319C0003 (1630J3-19-C-0003) for Kittrell Jcc W/Oacts worth up to $59,907,313 by Kittrell Job Corps Center in July 2019. The contract has a duration of 5 years and was awarded through solicitation KITTRELL JOB CORPS CENTER W/ OA CTS full & open with NAICS 611519 and PSC U006 via direct negotiation acquisition procedures with 8 bids received. As of today, the Definitive Contract has a total reported backlog of $2,722,464 and funded backlog of $2,722,464, though the contract is complete, so backlog may not be realized.